Market situation
With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people are paying more and more attention to the quality of life and developing personalized items in daily life from practicality to aesthetics and practicality. With the broadcast of food programs such as "China on the Tongue" and "Twelve Peaks of Flavor", the attention of the people has been drawn to the kitchen, and it has also ignited the kitchen supplies market.

Company Introduction

Zhejiang Bairun Kitchen Supplies Co., Ltd., established in 1996, has been engaged in foreign brand OEM production services in the early stages. After years of accumulation, the company has accumulated high-quality production capacity and strong new product development capabilities. In 2006, the Bairun brand entered the domestic market with the belief of providing high-quality and affordable products for the Chinese people. After years of continuous efforts, the company's products have been recognized and recognized by distributors and consumers, and the quality of German manufacturing is entering ordinary people's homes.

market analysis
(Image and data source: Taobao Index)

从淘宝一年的搜索指数来看,厨房用品市场是一个相对平稳的,不会像服装那些季节性明显,且产品体积小单价也不算太高不会需要很大的库存空间和资金堆压,这样的产 品特性对与一个创业者来说再好不过(网络分销商招募也在进行中)。而对于有优秀的渠道资源的大经销商而言,能选择到一家供货及时且有品质保证的生产厂家更为重要。对 于业绩优秀的经销商,我公司也相应的提供了许多激励政策,如佣金奖励,促销支持和货物铺底等。百润的品牌需要广大经销商一起努力才能做大做强,让我们一起努力吧,并 祝大家万事如意。